Douglas Allanbrook may be one of the few composers who wrote enough new works for the Annapolis Brass Quintet to fill a complete concert program, or two. Consider these two all-Allanbrook concerts by the ABQ, which share no repertory:
September 20, 1985, St. John’s College
Commencement Exercises (1985)
Twenty-five Building Blocks (1985)
Five Marches for the Quick and the Dead (1982)
Two Tennyson Settings (1984)
December 4, 1987, St. John’s College
Twelve Preludes For All Seasons (1971, Allanbrook, piano solo)
Night and Morning Music (1977)
Seven for Seven (1987)
Allanbrook loved the ABQ, and he took care to make sure each member had something interesting to play in one’s instrumental part. The works he wrote for them constitute approximately half of his creative output for the later years of his composing career (1975-1990). The ABQ rewarded him greatly, taking his compositions on their tours of the US and Europe and recording several of them on Crystal LPs (naming one of them after his “Invitation to the Sideshow”).
Former ABQ members thank Ed Komara for the above Douglas Allanbrook notes.
For more information: Edward Komara, June 22, 2020
September 20, 1985, St. John’s College
Commencement Exercises (1985)
Twenty-five Building Blocks (1985)
Five Marches for the Quick and the Dead (1982)
Two Tennyson Settings (1984)
December 4, 1987, St. John’s College
Twelve Preludes For All Seasons (1971, Allanbrook, piano solo)
Night and Morning Music (1977)
Seven for Seven (1987)
Allanbrook loved the ABQ, and he took care to make sure each member had something interesting to play in one’s instrumental part. The works he wrote for them constitute approximately half of his creative output for the later years of his composing career (1975-1990). The ABQ rewarded him greatly, taking his compositions on their tours of the US and Europe and recording several of them on Crystal LPs (naming one of them after his “Invitation to the Sideshow”).
Former ABQ members thank Ed Komara for the above Douglas Allanbrook notes.
For more information: Edward Komara, June 22, 2020