semordnilap (plural semordnilaps)
A word, phrase, or sentence that has the property of forming another word, phrase, or sentence when its letters are reversed.
A semordnilap differs from a palindrome in that the word or phrase resulting from the reversal is different from the original word or phrase.
live -- evil
Silopanna -- Annapolis
Palindromes -- Semordnilap
semordnilap - Wiktionary › wiki › semordnilap
A word, phrase, or sentence that has the property of forming another word, phrase, or sentence when its letters are reversed.
A semordnilap differs from a palindrome in that the word or phrase resulting from the reversal is different from the original word or phrase.
live -- evil
Silopanna -- Annapolis
Palindromes -- Semordnilap
semordnilap - Wiktionary › wiki › semordnilap